Artificial Intelligence

This page is provided to give more information about the technical aspect of AI (Artificial Intelligence.) There's also many examples of actual usage of AI in everyday life. This includes everything I hear about AI, and eventually from you: all your suggestions and references are welcome in my electronic mail box. (However, if you want me to include information on this page, I will need proof of what you tell me.)




This page has been created to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its main purpose is to be used has a documentary source for those who want to program with AI. The page presents explanations and algorithms. There is no information such has code source or programs which use AI in this page, but the page may refer to such documents.

For non technical persons, the only page you should read is the one referencing examples about what's available in AI on the market.


What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is two things:

If you need a strong definition of what AI is about take a look at the Perspective offered by the University of Edinburgh.


How does AI work?

All intelligent creatures have one thing in common: they can recognize and act upon that recognition. Each category of animal can recognize different kinds of things. Computers can be taught to recognize all these different kinds of things. Some examples (skip examples):

Examples shows the three different parts of AI:


Technical terms and definitions

To speak about AI, we need a minimum knowledge about its environment. A program uses a problem from which is defined a starting database, some rules, and at least one state.


Search algorithms in use today




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